The first reason, he said, is that the current generation consoles are more powerful, and have an architecture much more similar to a PC, a sentiment we've heard from other developers as well.
Gibson gives three main reasons for why Killing Floor 2 will be the company's first game to release on a console. 'We've been very successful on PC selling million of games, and we've no intention of leaving the PC or relegating the PC to a 'second class citizen.'' 'We love the PC as a platform and have been championing it for years, even in the dark days of 2005 when all the press could talk about was how the 'PC was dead.'' President of Tripwire Interactive John Gibson said in a post to the company's forums.
Killing Floor 2 is coming to the PlayStation 4 because games are much more expensive to make these days and Sony has opened up the platform to independent developers, Tripwire Interactive has said. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's